
01 Apr,2024

Prabuddh Varg Sammelan

Excitement filled the air as GL Bajaj Educational Institutions had the honor of hosting the esteemed Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath Ji, for the Prabuddh Varg Sammelan at our campus. The atmosphere was filled with outstanding energy as we welcomed the longest-serving CM of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Ji. His words of inspiration and wisdom fascinated the audience, leaving an unforgettable impact on all who attended. Let's catch some beautiful moments from this extraordinary event.

Prabuddh Varg SammelanPrabuddh Varg SammelanPrabuddh Varg SammelanPrabuddh Varg Sammelan


Plot No.2 , APJ Abdul Kalam Road, Knowledge Park 3, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201306

Helpline No. 8010-000-234