Career guidance plays a vital role in empowering individuals to identify their career options and narrow them down to choose one desired career. Only then does a person flower to his highest potential. With an aim to empower the students to make an informed career choice, the training department conducts various workshops and organises many activities round the year. The students are updated about the existing trends in the career they wish to pursue through Workshops, Expert talks and Informative Webinars, skill-based training programs, etc.
The Alumni of the college are invited by the college who act as a guiding light to their juniors and keep them abreast of the existing trends in the industry. The students who wish to pursue higher studies abroad are also guided by experts. Placement readiness tests and psychometric tests are also conducted for the students which help them identify their strong areas. Accordingly, the student has a choice to pursue his career based on his strengths.
“The best way to predict the future is to CREATE it.”
The Training & Skill Development cell and Department of Computer Science Engineering organized a guest lecture on “How to Start Thinking & Stop Googling”
It was a 1 hr. session which started at 10:00 AM and lasted up to 11:00 AM. The target audience was B. Tech 3rd Year students of CSE, ECE & ME Branches.
It was quite a fruitful session for the students. Around 210 students from the above mentioned branches participated and gained additional information about how they can be less dependent on Google and use their rational power in order to get their problems solved.
Director GLBITM welcomed the guest - Dr. Sandeep Shastri (Vice Chancellor of Jagran Lake City University Bhopal) by presenting a bouquet and a memento.
Dr. Satyendra Sharma (HOD ECE), Dr. M. S. Naruka (Dean Outreach) & Faculties of CSE & ECE Department were present during the lecture.
Following people from Training & Skill Development cell were present during the lecture.
Ms. Artee Khandelwal
Ms. Rajasree Bhowmik
Mr. Amod Singh Solanki
Mr. Anshuman Tiwari
Workshop on “Redefining Quantitative Aptitude, held by “Learning from Ant”
The Training & Skill Development cell conducted a Workshop on “Redefining Quantitative Aptitude, held by “Learning from Ant”
It was a 2 hr. long session which started at 11:45 a.m and lasted up to 01:45 p.m. The target audience was
B.Tech 3rd year students of CSE Branch.
It was quite a fruitful session for the students. Around 250 students from various sections participated and gained additional information about solving Aptitude questions using quick Tips & Tricks.
Following people from the Training & Skill Development cell were present during the workshop.
Ms. Artee Khandelwal
Ms. Rajasree Bhowmik
Mr. Amod Singh Solanki
Mr. Anshuman Tiwari
Mr. Sudhir Singh

Workshop for 3rd-year students on career counselling
GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management organised a workshop for 3rd-year students on career counselling. The workshop was taken by Mr Ashish Kushwaha, Founder & CEO of G Systems. The duration of the workshop was around 1-hour. It was held on 12 February 2020.
Mr Kushwaha shed light on Career Development, Vision, Use of Skills, Values etc. This workshop had added immense value to the path of the student's career. He also offered an internship to his organisation G Systems.He emphasized on the need of building a good resume and gave the students tips on making their resume more appealing.
Mr Kushwaha also emphasised the need of social service in todays world.He also runs an NGO named Amar Pushp and encouraged the students to volunteer in it and contribute their bit to the society.Ms.Artee Khandelwal from the Training & Skill Development also shared her views on importance of planning in Career Development.

Workshop on Career Guidance was conducted by the Training and Skill Development Department
A two-hour workshop on Career guidance was conducted by the Training and Skill Development Department on 18th Feb 2020 for the Mechanical Department 2nd year students in the Civil Seminar Hall No. 711. The speaker invited was Dr.Vijendra Singh from Engineer's Academy. Dr. Vijendra Singh who worked as a DRDO scientist and a passout of IIT Delhi is now a Chief mentor in Engineer's Academy.
He addressed the ME 2nd Yr students and explained them about the clear approach they should follow in their career planning . Students were made aware of the various Government schemes provided to the students for higher studies. He also gave them tips on cracking Gate, CAT, GRE and various competitive exams.
The workshop was fruitful and the students benefited a lot from it.
Ms. Artee Khandelwal, Coordinator Training and Skill Development was also present in the workshop.

A two-hour workshop on Career guidance by Mr. Ramanuj Mishra from Career Launcher Academy
A two-hour workshop on Career guidance was conducted by the Training and Skill Development Department on 17th Feb 2020 for the MCA 2nd year students & the mixed batch of 1st year students in Audi 2. The speaker invited was Mr. Ramanuj Mishra from Career Launcher Academy.
He addressed the students and explained them about the importance of extracurricular specialized activities and other certification courses.
Students were made aware of the various Government exams conducted. He also gave them tips on proper Goal Setting and encouraged the students to follow a consistent approach rather than a radical approach to their goal.
The workshop benefited the students as they learnt many tips on Goal Setting and various career opportunities for an engineer apart from joining a software company. Ms. Artee Khandelwal, Coordinator Training and Skill Development was also present in the workshop and presented a token of gratitude to the speaker.

Workshop on “7 Elixirs, conducted by “Kiara Education Solution”
The Training & Skill Development cell organized a Workshop on “7 Elixirs, conducted by “Kiara Education Solution”
It was a 2 hr. long session which started at 11:45 a.m and lasted up to 01:45 p.m. The target audience was B.Tech 3rd year students of CSE & IT Branch.
The session was based on improving the Memory and focus of the students as well as enhancing their emotional Quotient. There were three renowned speakers – Mr. Anant Kasibhatla (a Limca Book of World Records Holder), Ms. Jyotsna Behl and Ms. Mona who addressed three different areas –Memory, Communication Skills,Emotional Quotient respectively The workshop was quite benficial for the students where many mindfulness exercises, quizzes and Q & A sessions were conducted. Around 250 students from above mentioned branches attended the workshop.
Following people from the Training & Skill Development cell were present during the workshop.
Ms. Artee Khandelwal
Ms. Rajasree Bhowmik
Mr. Amod Singh Solanki
Mr. Anshuman Tiwari
Mr. Sudhir Singh