16 Sep,2017
Inauguration of an Industrial Automation Lab
Department of Electrical & Electronics engineering has established an Industrial Automation Lab.
Prof. (Dr.) S.N. Singh, Vice-Chancellor Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur, U.P. has inaugurated Industrial Automation Lab on dated 16th Sept.2017. On this Occasion, Dr. Rajeev Agrawal Direct-GLBITM, Dr. N. K. Sharma-HOD (EEE), HODs of different Departments, faculty members, staff and students were present. Dr. Rajeev Agrawal welcomed chief guest Prof.S.N. Singh by presenting a Bouquet. In the welcome speech, he addressed the students towards the project awareness of automation. Chief Guest Prof. S.N. Singh motivated students. He emphasized that students must follow practical approach with proper analysis, do hard work and keep an eye on their goals. He said that bookish knowledge is not sufficient. Student should have some additional qualities so that one can’t be the part of crowd.
