
Guest Lectures/Workshops/FDP and seminars

10 Jul,2021

Start-up-Wings to the dream

The objective of the event was to motivate the students about the startups and Program. The lecture started with a warm welcome of the speaker by Dr. Vinod Kumar Yadav (HOD-ME). Mr. Vagish Arya started his discussion on various challenges to form a startup. The session was very interactive and Mr. Vagish shared his own experience and journey during and after the college. He offered immense help to the students like providing them internship opportunities and training them in the particular domain of interest. He also shared the idea of tyre pressure monitoring system. As the session went on students were very keen to know about Tyro care. At the end, the vote of thanks was conveyed by Mr. Neelotpal Pande (Student Coordinator III Year ME). There were 65 students and 3 faculty members of Department of Mechanical Engineering attended the lecture. Committee members include Dr. Vinod Kumar Yadav (HOD ME), Dr. Shivam Mishra & Dr. Ashish Gupta.


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